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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_linalg_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
# go/tf-wildcard-import
# pylint: disable=wildcard-import
from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_linalg_ops import *
# pylint: enable=wildcard-import
# Names below are lower_case.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def cholesky_solve(chol, rhs, name=None):
"""Solves systems of linear eqns `A X = RHS`, given Cholesky factorizations.
# Solve 10 separate 2x2 linear systems:
A = ... # shape 10 x 2 x 2
RHS = ... # shape 10 x 2 x 1
chol = tf.cholesky(A) # shape 10 x 2 x 2
X = tf.cholesky_solve(chol, RHS) # shape 10 x 2 x 1
# tf.matmul(A, X) ~ RHS
X[3, :, 0] # Solution to the linear system A[3, :, :] x = RHS[3, :, 0]
# Solve five linear systems (K = 5) for every member of the length 10 batch.
A = ... # shape 10 x 2 x 2
RHS = ... # shape 10 x 2 x 5
X[3, :, 2] # Solution to the linear system A[3, :, :] x = RHS[3, :, 2]
chol: A `Tensor`. Must be `float32` or `float64`, shape is `[..., M, M]`.
Cholesky factorization of `A`, e.g. `chol = tf.cholesky(A)`.
For that reason, only the lower triangular parts (including the diagonal)
of the last two dimensions of `chol` are used. The strictly upper part is
assumed to be zero and not accessed.
rhs: A `Tensor`, same type as `chol`, shape is `[..., M, K]`.
name: A name to give this `Op`. Defaults to `cholesky_solve`.
Solution to `A x = rhs`, shape `[..., M, K]`.
# To solve C C^* x = rhs, we
# 1. Solve C y = rhs for y, thus y = C^* x
# 2. Solve C^* x = y for x
with ops.name_scope(name, 'cholesky_solve', [chol, rhs]):
y = gen_linalg_ops.matrix_triangular_solve(
chol, rhs, adjoint=False, lower=True)
x = gen_linalg_ops.matrix_triangular_solve(
chol, y, adjoint=True, lower=True)
return x
def eye(num_rows,
"""Construct an identity matrix, or a batch of matrices.
# Construct one identity matrix.
==> [[1., 0.],
[0., 1.]]
# Construct a batch of 3 identity matricies, each 2 x 2.
# batch_identity[i, :, :] is a 2 x 2 identity matrix, i = 0, 1, 2.
batch_identity = tf.eye(2, batch_shape=[3])
# Construct one 2 x 3 "identity" matrix
tf.eye(2, num_columns=3)
==> [[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 1., 0.]]
num_rows: Non-negative `int32` scalar `Tensor` giving the number of rows
in each batch matrix.
num_columns: Optional non-negative `int32` scalar `Tensor` giving the number
of columns in each batch matrix. Defaults to `num_rows`.
batch_shape: `int32` `Tensor`. If provided, returned `Tensor` will have
leading batch dimensions of this shape.
dtype: The type of an element in the resulting `Tensor`
name: A name for this `Op`. Defaults to "eye".
A `Tensor` of shape `batch_shape + [num_rows, num_columns]`
with ops.name_scope(
name, default_name='eye', values=[num_rows, num_columns, batch_shape]):
batch_shape = [] if batch_shape is None else batch_shape
batch_shape = ops.convert_to_tensor(
batch_shape, name='shape', dtype=dtypes.int32)
if num_columns is None:
diag_size = num_rows
diag_size = math_ops.minimum(num_rows, num_columns)
diag_shape = array_ops.concat((batch_shape, [diag_size]), 0)
diag_ones = array_ops.ones(diag_shape, dtype=dtype)
if num_columns is None:
return array_ops.matrix_diag(diag_ones)
shape = array_ops.concat((batch_shape, [num_rows, num_columns]), 0)
zero_matrix = array_ops.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)
return array_ops.matrix_set_diag(zero_matrix, diag_ones)
def matrix_solve_ls(matrix, rhs, l2_regularizer=0.0, fast=True, name=None):
r"""Solves one or more linear least-squares problems.
`matrix` is a tensor of shape `[..., M, N]` whose inner-most 2 dimensions
form `M`-by-`N` matrices. Rhs is a tensor of shape `[..., M, K]` whose
inner-most 2 dimensions form `M`-by-`K` matrices. The computed output is a
`Tensor` of shape `[..., N, K]` whose inner-most 2 dimensions form `M`-by-`K`
matrices that solve the equations
`matrix[..., :, :] * output[..., :, :] = rhs[..., :, :]` in the least squares
Below we will use the following notation for each pair of matrix and
right-hand sides in the batch:
`matrix`=\\(A \in \Re^{m \times n}\\),
`rhs`=\\(B \in \Re^{m \times k}\\),
`output`=\\(X \in \Re^{n \times k}\\),
If `fast` is `True`, then the solution is computed by solving the normal
equations using Cholesky decomposition. Specifically, if \\(m \ge n\\) then
\\(X = (A^T A + \lambda I)^{-1} A^T B\\), which solves the least-squares
problem \\(X = \mathrm{argmin}_{Z \in \Re^{n \times k}} ||A Z - B||_F^2 +
\lambda ||Z||_F^2\\). If \\(m \lt n\\) then `output` is computed as
\\(X = A^T (A A^T + \lambda I)^{-1} B\\), which (for \\(\lambda = 0\\)) is
the minimum-norm solution to the under-determined linear system, i.e.
\\(X = \mathrm{argmin}_{Z \in \Re^{n \times k}} ||Z||_F^2 \\), subject to
\\(A Z = B\\). Notice that the fast path is only numerically stable when
\\(A\\) is numerically full rank and has a condition number
\\(\mathrm{cond}(A) \lt \frac{1}{\sqrt{\epsilon_{mach}}}\\) or\\(\lambda\\)
is sufficiently large.
If `fast` is `False` an algorithm based on the numerically robust complete
orthogonal decomposition is used. This computes the minimum-norm
least-squares solution, even when \\(A\\) is rank deficient. This path is
typically 6-7 times slower than the fast path. If `fast` is `False` then
`l2_regularizer` is ignored.
matrix: `Tensor` of shape `[..., M, N]`.
rhs: `Tensor` of shape `[..., M, K]`.
l2_regularizer: 0-D `double` `Tensor`. Ignored if `fast=False`.
fast: bool. Defaults to `True`.
name: string, optional name of the operation.
output: `Tensor` of shape `[..., N, K]` whose inner-most 2 dimensions form
`M`-by-`K` matrices that solve the equations
`matrix[..., :, :] * output[..., :, :] = rhs[..., :, :]` in the least
squares sense.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return gen_linalg_ops._matrix_solve_ls(
matrix, rhs, l2_regularizer, fast=fast, name=name)
def self_adjoint_eig(tensor, name=None):
"""Computes the eigen decomposition of a batch of self-adjoint matrices.
Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the innermost N-by-N matrices
in `tensor` such that
`tensor[...,:,:] * v[..., :,i] = e[..., i] * v[...,:,i]`, for i=0...N-1.
tensor: `Tensor` of shape `[..., N, N]`. Only the lower triangular part of
each inner inner matrix is referenced.
name: string, optional name of the operation.
e: Eigenvalues. Shape is `[..., N]`.
v: Eigenvectors. Shape is `[..., N, N]`. The columns of the inner most
matrices contain eigenvectors of the corresponding matrices in `tensor`
# pylint: disable=protected-access
e, v = gen_linalg_ops._self_adjoint_eig_v2(tensor, compute_v=True, name=name)
return e, v
def self_adjoint_eigvals(tensor, name=None):
"""Computes the eigenvalues of one or more self-adjoint matrices.
tensor: `Tensor` of shape `[..., N, N]`.
name: string, optional name of the operation.
e: Eigenvalues. Shape is `[..., N]`. The vector `e[..., :]` contains the `N`
eigenvalues of `tensor[..., :, :]`.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
e, _ = gen_linalg_ops._self_adjoint_eig_v2(tensor, compute_v=False, name=name)
return e
def svd(tensor, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True, name=None):
"""Computes the singular value decompositions of one or more matrices.
Computes the SVD of each inner matrix in `tensor` such that
`tensor[..., :, :] = u[..., :, :] * diag(s[..., :, :]) * transpose(v[..., :,
# a is a tensor.
# s is a tensor of singular values.
# u is a tensor of left singular vectors.
# v is a tensor of right singular vectors.
s, u, v = svd(a)
s = svd(a, compute_uv=False)
tensor: `Tensor` of shape `[..., M, N]`. Let `P` be the minimum of `M` and
full_matrices: If true, compute full-sized `u` and `v`. If false
(the default), compute only the leading `P` singular vectors.
Ignored if `compute_uv` is `False`.
compute_uv: If `True` then left and right singular vectors will be
computed and returned in `u` and `v`, respectively. Otherwise, only the
singular values will be computed, which can be significantly faster.
name: string, optional name of the operation.
s: Singular values. Shape is `[..., P]`. The values are sorted in reverse
order of magnitude, so s[..., 0] is the largest value, s[..., 1] is the
second largest, etc.
u: Left singular vectors. If `full_matrices` is `False` (default) then
shape is `[..., M, P]`; if `full_matrices` is `True` then shape is
`[..., M, M]`. Not returned if `compute_uv` is `False`.
v: Right singular vectors. If `full_matrices` is `False` (default) then
shape is `[..., N, P]`. If `full_matrices` is `True` then shape is
`[..., N, N]`. Not returned if `compute_uv` is `False`.
Mostly equivalent to numpy.linalg.svd, except that the order of output
arguments here is `s`, `u`, `v` when `compute_uv` is `True`, as opposed to
`u`, `s`, `v` for numpy.linalg.svd.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
s, u, v = gen_linalg_ops._svd(
tensor, compute_uv=compute_uv, full_matrices=full_matrices)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
if compute_uv:
return math_ops.real(s), u, v
return math_ops.real(s)
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
def norm(tensor, ord='euclidean', axis=None, keep_dims=False, name=None):
r"""Computes the norm of vectors, matrices, and tensors.
This function can compute several different vector norms (the 1-norm, the
Euclidean or 2-norm, the inf-norm, and in general the p-norm for p > 0) and
matrix norms (Frobenius, 1-norm, and inf-norm).
tensor: `Tensor` of types `float32`, `float64`, `complex64`, `complex128`
ord: Order of the norm. Supported values are 'fro', 'euclidean', `0`,
`1`, `2`, `np.inf` and any positive real number yielding the corresponding
p-norm. Default is 'euclidean' which is equivalent to Frobenius norm if
`tensor` is a matrix and equivalent to 2-norm for vectors.
Some restrictions apply:
a) The Frobenius norm `fro` is not defined for vectors,
b) If axis is a 2-tuple (matrix norm), only 'euclidean', 'fro', `1`,
`np.inf` are supported.
See the description of `axis` on how to compute norms for a batch of
vectors or matrices stored in a tensor.
axis: If `axis` is `None` (the default), the input is considered a vector
and a single vector norm is computed over the entire set of values in the
tensor, i.e. `norm(tensor, ord=ord)` is equivalent to
`norm(reshape(tensor, [-1]), ord=ord)`.
If `axis` is a Python integer, the input is considered a batch of vectors,
and `axis` determines the axis in `tensor` over which to compute vector
If `axis` is a 2-tuple of Python integers it is considered a batch of
matrices and `axis` determines the axes in `tensor` over which to compute
a matrix norm.
Negative indices are supported. Example: If you are passing a tensor that
can be either a matrix or a batch of matrices at runtime, pass
`axis=[-2,-1]` instead of `axis=None` to make sure that matrix norms are
keep_dims: If True, the axis indicated in `axis` are kept with size 1.
Otherwise, the dimensions in `axis` are removed from the output shape.
name: The name of the op.
output: A `Tensor` of the same type as tensor, containing the vector or
matrix norms. If `keep_dims` is True then the rank of output is equal to
the rank of `tensor`. Otherwise, if `axis` is none the output is a scalar,
if `axis` is an integer, the rank of `output` is one less than the rank
of `tensor`, if `axis` is a 2-tuple the rank of `output` is two less
than the rank of `tensor`.
ValueError: If `ord` or `axis` is invalid.
Mostly equivalent to numpy.linalg.norm.
Not supported: ord <= 0, 2-norm for matrices, nuclear norm.
Other differences:
a) If axis is `None`, treats the flattened `tensor` as a vector
regardless of rank.
b) Explicitly supports 'euclidean' norm as the default, including for
higher order tensors.
is_matrix_norm = ((isinstance(axis, tuple) or isinstance(axis, list)) and
len(axis) == 2)
if is_matrix_norm:
axis = tuple(axis)
if (not isinstance(axis[0], int) or not isinstance(axis[1], int) or
axis[0] == axis[1]):
raise ValueError(
"'axis' must be None, an integer, or a tuple of 2 unique integers")
# TODO(rmlarsen): Implement matrix 2-norm using tf.svd().
supported_matrix_norms = ['euclidean', 'fro', 1, np.inf]
if ord not in supported_matrix_norms:
raise ValueError("'ord' must be a supported matrix norm in %s, got %s" %
(supported_matrix_norms, ord))
if not (isinstance(axis, int) or axis is None):
raise ValueError(
"'axis' must be None, an integer, or a tuple of 2 unique integers")
supported_vector_norms = ['euclidean', 1, 2, np.inf]
if (not np.isreal(ord) or ord <= 0) and ord not in supported_vector_norms:
raise ValueError("'ord' must be a supported vector norm, got %s" % ord)
if axis is not None:
axis = (axis,)
with ops.name_scope(name, 'norm', [tensor]):
tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(tensor)
if ord in ['fro', 'euclidean', 2, 2.0]:
# TODO(rmlarsen): Move 2-norm to a separate clause once we support it for
# matrices.
result = math_ops.sqrt(
math_ops.square(tensor), axis, keep_dims=True))
result = math_ops.abs(tensor)
if ord == 1:
sum_axis = None if axis is None else axis[0]
result = math_ops.reduce_sum(result, sum_axis, keep_dims=True)
if is_matrix_norm:
result = math_ops.reduce_max(result, axis[-1], keep_dims=True)
elif ord == np.inf:
if is_matrix_norm:
result = math_ops.reduce_sum(result, axis[1], keep_dims=True)
max_axis = None if axis is None else axis[0]
result = math_ops.reduce_max(result, max_axis, keep_dims=True)
# General p-norms (positive p only)
result = math_ops.pow(math_ops.reduce_sum(
math_ops.pow(result, ord), axis, keep_dims=True),
1.0 / ord)
if not keep_dims:
result = array_ops.squeeze(result, axis)
return result
# pylint: enable=invalid-name,redefined-builtin
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