#版權(quán)所有2016 TensorFlow作者.版權(quán)所有.
# =============================================== =============================
“”“支持熵操作,參見$ {python / contrib.bayesflow.entropy}.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import math
from tensorflow.contrib.bayesflow.python.ops import monte_carlo_impl as monte_carlo
from tensorflow.contrib.bayesflow.python.ops import variational_inference
from tensorflow.contrib.bayesflow.python.ops.monte_carlo_impl import _get_samples as get_samples
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging
# Make utility functions from monte_carlo available.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
_get_samples = get_samples
_logspace_mean = monte_carlo._logspace_mean
_sample_mean = monte_carlo._sample_mean
# pylint: enable=protected-access
__all__ = [
ELBOForms = variational_inference.ELBOForms # pylint: disable=invalid-name
def elbo_ratio(log_p,
r"""Estimate of the ratio appearing in the `ELBO` and `KL` divergence.
With `p(z) := exp{log_p(z)}`, this `Op` returns an approximation of
E_q[ Log[p(Z) / q(Z)] ]
The term `E_q[ Log[p(Z)] ]` is always computed as a sample mean.
The term `E_q[ Log[q(z)] ]` can be computed with samples, or an exact formula
if `q.entropy()` is defined. This is controlled with the kwarg `form`.
This log-ratio appears in different contexts:
#### `KL[q || p]`
If `log_p(z) = Log[p(z)]` for distribution `p`, this `Op` approximates
the negative Kullback-Leibler divergence.
elbo_ratio(log_p, q, n=100) = -1 * KL[q || p],
KL[q || p] = E[ Log[q(Z)] - Log[p(Z)] ]
Note that if `p` is a `Distribution`, then
`distributions.kl_divergence(q, p)` may be defined and available as an
exact result.
#### ELBO
If `log_p(z) = Log[p(z, x)]` is the log joint of a distribution `p`, this is
the Evidence Lower BOund (ELBO):
ELBO ~= E[ Log[p(Z, x)] - Log[q(Z)] ]
= Log[p(x)] - KL[q || p]
<= Log[p(x)]
User supplies either `Tensor` of samples `z`, or number of samples to draw `n`
log_p: Callable mapping samples from `q` to `Tensors` with
shape broadcastable to `q.batch_shape`.
For example, `log_p` works "just like" `q.log_prob`.
q: `tf.contrib.distributions.Distribution`.
z: `Tensor` of samples from `q`, produced by `q.sample(n)` for some `n`.
n: Integer `Tensor`. Number of samples to generate if `z` is not provided.
seed: Python integer to seed the random number generator.
form: Either `ELBOForms.analytic_entropy` (use formula for entropy of `q`)
or `ELBOForms.sample` (sample estimate of entropy), or `ELBOForms.default`
(attempt analytic entropy, fallback on sample).
Default value is `ELBOForms.default`.
name: A name to give this `Op`.
Scalar `Tensor` holding sample mean KL divergence. `shape` is the batch
shape of `q`, and `dtype` is the same as `q`.
ValueError: If `form` is not handled by this function.
form = ELBOForms.default if form is None else form
with ops.name_scope(name, values=[n, z]):
z = _get_samples(q, z, n, seed)
entropy = entropy_shannon(q, z=z, form=form)
# If log_p(z) = Log[p(z)], cross entropy = -E_q[log(p(Z))]
negative_cross_entropy = _sample_mean(log_p(z))
return entropy + negative_cross_entropy
def entropy_shannon(p,
r"""Monte Carlo or deterministic computation of Shannon's entropy.
Depending on the kwarg `form`, this `Op` returns either the analytic entropy
of the distribution `p`, or the sampled entropy:
-n^{-1} sum_{i=1}^n p.log_prob(z_i), where z_i ~ p,
\approx - E_p[ Log[p(Z)] ]
= Entropy[p]
User supplies either `Tensor` of samples `z`, or number of samples to draw `n`
p: `tf.contrib.distributions.Distribution`
z: `Tensor` of samples from `p`, produced by `p.sample(n)` for some `n`.
n: Integer `Tensor`. Number of samples to generate if `z` is not provided.
seed: Python integer to seed the random number generator.
form: Either `ELBOForms.analytic_entropy` (use formula for entropy of `q`)
or `ELBOForms.sample` (sample estimate of entropy), or `ELBOForms.default`
(attempt analytic entropy, fallback on sample).
Default value is `ELBOForms.default`.
name: A name to give this `Op`.
A `Tensor` with same `dtype` as `p`, and shape equal to `p.batch_shape`.
ValueError: If `form` not handled by this function.
ValueError: If `form` is `ELBOForms.analytic_entropy` and `n` was provided.
form = ELBOForms.default if form is None else form
if n is not None and form == ELBOForms.analytic_entropy:
raise ValueError('If form == ELBOForms.analytic_entropy, n must be None.')
with ops.name_scope(name, values=[n, z]):
# Entropy: -E_p[log(p(Z))].
entropy = None
# Try analytic path
if form in [ELBOForms.default, ELBOForms.analytic_entropy]:
entropy = p.entropy()
logging.info('Using analytic entropy(p:%s)', p)
except NotImplementedError as e:
if form == ELBOForms.analytic_entropy:
raise e
elif form != ELBOForms.sample:
raise ValueError('ELBOForm not handled by this function: %s' % form)
# Sample path
if entropy is None:
logging.info('Using sampled entropy(p:%s)', p)
entropy = -1. * monte_carlo.expectation(
p.log_prob, p, z=z, n=n, seed=seed)
return entropy
def renyi_ratio(log_p, q, alpha, z=None, n=None, seed=None, name='renyi_ratio'):
r"""Monte Carlo estimate of the ratio appearing in Renyi divergence.
This can be used to compute the Renyi (alpha) divergence, or a log evidence
approximation based on Renyi divergence.
#### Definition
With `z_i` iid samples from `q`, and `exp{log_p(z)} = p(z)`, this `Op` returns
the (biased for finite `n`) estimate:
(1 - alpha)^{-1} Log[ n^{-1} sum_{i=1}^n ( p(z_i) / q(z_i) )^{1 - alpha},
\approx (1 - alpha)^{-1} Log[ E_q[ (p(Z) / q(Z))^{1 - alpha} ] ]
This ratio appears in different contexts:
#### Renyi divergence
If `log_p(z) = Log[p(z)]` is the log prob of a distribution, and
`alpha > 0`, `alpha != 1`, this `Op` approximates `-1` times Renyi divergence:
# Choose reasonably high n to limit bias, see below.
renyi_ratio(log_p, q, alpha, n=100)
\approx -1 * D_alpha[q || p], where
D_alpha[q || p] := (1 - alpha)^{-1} Log E_q[(p(Z) / q(Z))^{1 - alpha}]
The Renyi (or "alpha") divergence is non-negative and equal to zero iff
`q = p`. Various limits of `alpha` lead to different special case results:
alpha D_alpha[q || p]
----- ---------------
--> 0 Log[ int_{q > 0} p(z) dz ]
= 0.5, -2 Log[1 - Hel^2[q || p]], (\propto squared Hellinger distance)
--> 1 KL[q || p]
= 2 Log[ 1 + chi^2[q || p] ], (\propto squared Chi-2 divergence)
--> infty Log[ max_z{q(z) / p(z)} ], (min description length principle).
See "Renyi Divergence Variational Inference", by Li and Turner.
#### Log evidence approximation
If `log_p(z) = Log[p(z, x)]` is the log of the joint distribution `p`, this is
an alternative to the ELBO common in variational inference.
L_alpha(q, p) = Log[p(x)] - D_alpha[q || p]
If `q` and `p` have the same support, and `0 < a <= b < 1`, one can show
`ELBO <= D_b <= D_a <= Log[p(x)]`. Thus, this `Op` allows a smooth
interpolation between the ELBO and the true evidence.
#### Stability notes
Note that when `1 - alpha` is not small, the ratio `(p(z) / q(z))^{1 - alpha}`
is subject to underflow/overflow issues. For that reason, it is evaluated in
log-space after centering. Nonetheless, infinite/NaN results may occur. For
that reason, one may wish to shrink `alpha` gradually. See the `Op`
`renyi_alpha`. Using `float64` will also help.
#### Bias for finite sample size
Due to nonlinearity of the logarithm, for random variables `{X_1,...,X_n}`,
`E[ Log[sum_{i=1}^n X_i] ] != Log[ E[sum_{i=1}^n X_i] ]`. As a result, this
estimate is biased for finite `n`. For `alpha < 1`, it is non-decreasing
with `n` (in expectation). For example, if `n = 1`, this estimator yields the
same result as `elbo_ratio`, and as `n` increases the expected value
of the estimator increases.
#### Call signature
User supplies either `Tensor` of samples `z`, or number of samples to draw `n`
log_p: Callable mapping samples from `q` to `Tensors` with
shape broadcastable to `q.batch_shape`.
For example, `log_p` works "just like" `q.log_prob`.
q: `tf.contrib.distributions.Distribution`.
`float64` `dtype` recommended.
`log_p` and `q` should be supported on the same set.
alpha: `Tensor` with shape `q.batch_shape` and values not equal to 1.
z: `Tensor` of samples from `q`, produced by `q.sample` for some `n`.
n: Integer `Tensor`. The number of samples to use if `z` is not provided.
Note that this can be highly biased for small `n`, see docstring.
seed: Python integer to seed the random number generator.
name: A name to give this `Op`.
renyi_result: The scaled log of sample mean. `Tensor` with `shape` equal
to batch shape of `q`, and `dtype` = `q.dtype`.
with ops.name_scope(name, values=[alpha, n, z]):
z = _get_samples(q, z, n, seed)
# Evaluate sample mean in logspace. Note that _logspace_mean will compute
# (among other things) the mean of q.log_prob(z), which could also be
# obtained with q.entropy(). However, DON'T use analytic entropy, because
# that increases variance, and could result in NaN/Inf values of a sensitive
# term.
# log_values
# = (1 - alpha) * ( Log p - Log q )
log_values = (1. - alpha) * (log_p(z) - q.log_prob(z))
# log_mean_values
# = Log[ E[ values ] ]
# = Log[ E[ (p / q)^{1-alpha} ] ]
log_mean_values = _logspace_mean(log_values)
return log_mean_values / (1. - alpha)
def renyi_alpha(step,
r"""Exponentially decaying `Tensor` appropriate for Renyi ratios.
When minimizing the Renyi divergence for `0 <= alpha < 1` (or maximizing the
Renyi equivalent of elbo) in high dimensions, it is not uncommon to experience
`NaN` and `inf` values when `alpha` is far from `1`.
For that reason, it is often desirable to start the optimization with `alpha`
very close to 1, and reduce it to a final `alpha_min` according to some
schedule. The user may even want to optimize using `elbo_ratio` for
some fixed time before switching to Renyi based methods.
This `Op` returns an `alpha` decaying exponentially with step:
s(step) = (exp{step / decay_time} - 1) / (e - 1)
t(s) = max(0, min(s, 1)), (smooth growth from 0 to 1)
alpha(t) = (1 - t) alpha_min + t alpha_max
step: Non-negative scalar `Tensor`. Typically the global step or an
offset version thereof.
decay_time: Positive scalar `Tensor`.
alpha_min: `float` or `double` `Tensor`.
The minimal, final value of `alpha`, achieved when `step >= decay_time`
alpha_max: `Tensor` of same `dtype` as `alpha_min`.
The maximal, beginning value of `alpha`, achieved when `step == 0`
name: A name to give this `Op`.
alpha: A `Tensor` of same `dtype` as `alpha_min`.
with ops.name_scope(name, values=[step, decay_time, alpha_min, alpha_max]):
alpha_min = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha_min, name='alpha_min')
dtype = alpha_min.dtype
alpha_max = ops.convert_to_tensor(alpha_max, dtype=dtype, name='alpha_max')
decay_time = math_ops.cast(decay_time, dtype)
step = math_ops.cast(step, dtype)
check_scalars = [
check_ops.assert_rank(step, 0, message='step must be scalar'),
decay_time, 0, message='decay_time must be scalar'),
check_ops.assert_rank(alpha_min, 0, message='alpha_min must be scalar'),
check_ops.assert_rank(alpha_max, 0, message='alpha_max must be scalar'),
check_sign = [
step, message='step must be non-negative'),
decay_time, message='decay_time must be positive'),
with ops.control_dependencies(check_scalars + check_sign):
theta = (math_ops.exp(step / decay_time) - 1.) / (math.e - 1.)
theta = math_ops.minimum(math_ops.maximum(theta, 0.), 1.)
return alpha_max * (1. - theta) + alpha_min * theta
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