You would like to customize Python’s import statement so that it can transparently load modules from a remote machine.
First, a serious disclaimer about security. The idea discussed in this recipe would be wholly bad without some kind of extra security and authentication layer. That said, the main goal is actually to take a deep dive into the inner workings of Python’s import statement. If you get this recipe to work and understand the inner workings, you’ll have a solid foundation of customizing import for almost any other purpose. With that out of the way, let’s carry on.
At the core of this recipe is a desire to extend the functionality of the import statement. There are several approaches for doing this, but for the purposes of illustration, start by making the following directory of Python code:
The content of these files doesn’t matter, but put a few simple statements and functions in each file so you can test them and see output when they’re imported. For example:
print("I'm spam")
def hello(name):
print('Hello %s' % name)
print("I'm fib")
def fib(n):
if n < 2:
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
# grok/
print("I'm grok.__init__")
# grok/
print("I'm grok.blah")
The goal here is to allow remote access to these files as modules. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is to publish them on a web server. Simply go to the testcode directory and run Python like this:
bash % cd testcode
bash % python3 -m http.server 15000
Serving HTTP on port 15000 ...
Leave that server running and start up a separate Python interpreter. Make sure you can access the remote files using urllib. For example:
>>> from urllib.request import urlopen
>>> u = urlopen('http://localhost:15000/')
>>> data ='utf-8')
>>> print(data)
print("I'm fib")
def fib(n):
if n < 2:
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
Loading source code from this server is going to form the basis for the remainder of this recipe. Specifically, instead of manually grabbing a file of source code using urlop en(), the import statement will be customized to do it transparently behind the scenes.
The first approach to loading a remote module is to create an explicit loading function for doing it. For example:
import imp
import urllib.request
import sys
def load_module(url):
u = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
source ='utf-8')
mod = sys.modules.setdefault(url, imp.new_module(url))
code = compile(source, url, 'exec')
mod.__file__ = url
mod.__package__ = ''
exec(code, mod.__dict__)
return mod
This function merely downloads the source code, compiles it into a code object using compile(), and executes it in the dictionary of a newly created module object. Here’s how you would use the function:
>>> fib = load_module('http://localhost:15000/')
I'm fib
>>> fib.fib(10)
>>> spam = load_module('http://localhost:15000/')
I'm spam
>>> spam.hello('Guido')
Hello Guido
>>> fib
<module 'http://localhost:15000/' from 'http://localhost:15000/'>
>>> spam
<module 'http://localhost:15000/' from 'http://localhost:15000/'>
As you can see, it “works” for simple modules. However, it’s not plugged into the usual import statement, and extending the code to support more advanced constructs, such as packages, would require additional work.
A much slicker approach is to create a custom importer. The first way to do this is to create what’s known as a meta path importer. Here is an example:
import sys
import imp
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from html.parser import HTMLParser
# Debugging
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Get links from a given URL
def _get_links(url):
class LinkParser(HTMLParser):
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == 'a':
attrs = dict(attrs)
links = set()
log.debug('Getting links from %s' % url)
u = urlopen(url)
parser = LinkParser()
except Exception as e:
log.debug('Could not get links. %s', e)
log.debug('links: %r', links)
return links
class UrlMetaFinder(
def __init__(self, baseurl):
self._baseurl = baseurl
self._links = { }
self._loaders = { baseurl : UrlModuleLoader(baseurl) }
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
log.debug('find_module: fullname=%r, path=%r', fullname, path)
if path is None:
baseurl = self._baseurl
if not path[0].startswith(self._baseurl):
return None
baseurl = path[0]
parts = fullname.split('.')
basename = parts[-1]
log.debug('find_module: baseurl=%r, basename=%r', baseurl, basename)
# Check link cache
if basename not in self._links:
self._links[baseurl] = _get_links(baseurl)
# Check if it's a package
if basename in self._links[baseurl]:
log.debug('find_module: trying package %r', fullname)
fullurl = self._baseurl + '/' + basename
# Attempt to load the package (which accesses
loader = UrlPackageLoader(fullurl)
self._links[fullurl] = _get_links(fullurl)
self._loaders[fullurl] = UrlModuleLoader(fullurl)
log.debug('find_module: package %r loaded', fullname)
except ImportError as e:
log.debug('find_module: package failed. %s', e)
loader = None
return loader
# A normal module
filename = basename + '.py'
if filename in self._links[baseurl]:
log.debug('find_module: module %r found', fullname)
return self._loaders[baseurl]
log.debug('find_module: module %r not found', fullname)
return None
def invalidate_caches(self):
log.debug('invalidating link cache')
# Module Loader for a URL
class UrlModuleLoader(
def __init__(self, baseurl):
self._baseurl = baseurl
self._source_cache = {}
def module_repr(self, module):
return '<urlmodule %r from %r>' % (module.__name__, module.__file__)
# Required method
def load_module(self, fullname):
code = self.get_code(fullname)
mod = sys.modules.setdefault(fullname, imp.new_module(fullname))
mod.__file__ = self.get_filename(fullname)
mod.__loader__ = self
mod.__package__ = fullname.rpartition('.')[0]
exec(code, mod.__dict__)
return mod
# Optional extensions
def get_code(self, fullname):
src = self.get_source(fullname)
return compile(src, self.get_filename(fullname), 'exec')
def get_data(self, path):
def get_filename(self, fullname):
return self._baseurl + '/' + fullname.split('.')[-1] + '.py'
def get_source(self, fullname):
filename = self.get_filename(fullname)
log.debug('loader: reading %r', filename)
if filename in self._source_cache:
log.debug('loader: cached %r', filename)
return self._source_cache[filename]
u = urlopen(filename)
source ='utf-8')
log.debug('loader: %r loaded', filename)
self._source_cache[filename] = source
return source
except (HTTPError, URLError) as e:
log.debug('loader: %r failed. %s', filename, e)
raise ImportError("Can't load %s" % filename)
def is_package(self, fullname):
return False
# Package loader for a URL
class UrlPackageLoader(UrlModuleLoader):
def load_module(self, fullname):
mod = super().load_module(fullname)
mod.__path__ = [ self._baseurl ]
mod.__package__ = fullname
def get_filename(self, fullname):
return self._baseurl + '/' + ''
def is_package(self, fullname):
return True
# Utility functions for installing/uninstalling the loader
_installed_meta_cache = { }
def install_meta(address):
if address not in _installed_meta_cache:
finder = UrlMetaFinder(address)
_installed_meta_cache[address] = finder
log.debug('%r installed on sys.meta_path', finder)
def remove_meta(address):
if address in _installed_meta_cache:
finder = _installed_meta_cache.pop(address)
log.debug('%r removed from sys.meta_path', finder)
Here is an interactive session showing how to use the preceding code:
>>> # importing currently fails
>>> import fib
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'fib'
>>> # Load the importer and retry (it works)
>>> import urlimport
>>> urlimport.install_meta('http://localhost:15000')
>>> import fib
I'm fib
>>> import spam
I'm spam
>>> import grok.blah
I'm grok.__init__
I'm grok.blah
>>> grok.blah.__file__
This particular solution involves installing an instance of a special finder object UrlMe taFinder as the last entry in sys.meta_path. Whenever modules are imported, the finders in sys.meta_path are consulted in order to locate the module. In this example, the UrlMetaFinder instance becomes a finder of last resort that’s triggered when a module can’t be found in any of the normal locations.
As for the general implementation approach, the UrlMetaFinder class wraps around a user-specified URL. Internally, the finder builds sets of valid links by scraping them from the given URL. When imports are made, the module name is compared against this set of known links. If a match can be found, a separate UrlModuleLoader class is used to load source code from the remote machine and create the resulting module object. One reason for caching the links is to avoid unnecessary HTTP requests on repeated imports.
The second approach to customizing import is to write a hook that plugs directly into the sys.path variable, recognizing certain directory naming patterns. Add the following class and support functions to
# ... include previous code above ...
# Path finder class for a URL
class UrlPathFinder(
def __init__(self, baseurl):
self._links = None
self._loader = UrlModuleLoader(baseurl)
self._baseurl = baseurl
def find_loader(self, fullname):
log.debug('find_loader: %r', fullname)
parts = fullname.split('.')
basename = parts[-1]
# Check link cache
if self._links is None:
self._links = [] # See discussion
self._links = _get_links(self._baseurl)
# Check if it's a package
if basename in self._links:
log.debug('find_loader: trying package %r', fullname)
fullurl = self._baseurl + '/' + basename
# Attempt to load the package (which accesses
loader = UrlPackageLoader(fullurl)
log.debug('find_loader: package %r loaded', fullname)
except ImportError as e:
log.debug('find_loader: %r is a namespace package', fullname)
loader = None
return (loader, [fullurl])
# A normal module
filename = basename + '.py'
if filename in self._links:
log.debug('find_loader: module %r found', fullname)
return (self._loader, [])
log.debug('find_loader: module %r not found', fullname)
return (None, [])
def invalidate_caches(self):
log.debug('invalidating link cache')
self._links = None
# Check path to see if it looks like a URL
_url_path_cache = {}
def handle_url(path):
if path.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
log.debug('Handle path? %s. [Yes]', path)
if path in _url_path_cache:
finder = _url_path_cache[path]
finder = UrlPathFinder(path)
_url_path_cache[path] = finder
return finder
log.debug('Handle path? %s. [No]', path)
def install_path_hook():
log.debug('Installing handle_url')
def remove_path_hook():
log.debug('Removing handle_url')
To use this path-based finder, you simply add URLs to sys.path. For example:
>>> # Initial import fails
>>> import fib
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'fib'
>>> # Install the path hook
>>> import urlimport
>>> urlimport.install_path_hook()
>>> # Imports still fail (not on path)
>>> import fib
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'fib'
>>> # Add an entry to sys.path and watch it work
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append('http://localhost:15000')
>>> import fib
I'm fib
>>> import grok.blah
I'm grok.__init__
I'm grok.blah
>>> grok.blah.__file__
The key to this last example is the handle_url() function, which is added to the sys.path_hooks variable. When the entries on sys.path are being processed, the functions in sys.path_hooks are invoked. If any of those functions return a finder object, that finder is used to try to load modules for that entry on sys.path.
It should be noted that the remotely imported modules work exactly like any other module. For instance:
>>> fib
<urlmodule 'fib' from 'http://localhost:15000/'>
>>> fib.__name__
>>> fib.__file__
>>> import inspect
>>> print(inspect.getsource(fib))
print("I'm fib")
def fib(n):
if n < 2:
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
Before discussing this recipe in further detail, it should be emphasized that Python’s module, package, and import mechanism is one of the most complicated parts of the entire language—often poorly understood by even the most seasoned Python programmers unless they’ve devoted effort to peeling back the covers. There are several critical documents that are worth reading, including the documentation for the?importlib module?and?PEP 302. That documentation won’t be repeated here, but some essential highlights will be discussed.
First, if you want to create a new module object, you use the imp.new_module() function. For example:
>>> import imp
>>> m = imp.new_module('spam')
>>> m
<module 'spam'>
>>> m.__name__
Module objects usually have a few expected attributes, including file (the name of the file that the module was loaded from) and package (the name of the enclosing package, if any).
Second, modules are cached by the interpreter. The module cache can be found in the dictionary sys.modules. Because of this caching, it’s common to combine caching and module creation together into a single step. For example:
>>> import sys
>>> import imp
>>> m = sys.modules.setdefault('spam', imp.new_module('spam'))
>>> m
<module 'spam'>
The main reason for doing this is that if a module with the given name already exists, you’ll get the already created module instead. For example:
>>> import math
>>> m = sys.modules.setdefault('math', imp.new_module('math'))
>>> m
<module 'math' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.3/lib-dynload/'>
>>> m.sin(2)
>>> m.cos(2)
Since creating modules is easy, it is straightforward to write simple functions, such as the load_module() function in the first part of this recipe. A downside of this approach is that it is actually rather tricky to handle more complicated cases, such as package imports. In order to handle a package, you would have to reimplement much of the underlying logic that’s already part of the normal import statement (e.g., checking for directories, looking for files, executing those files, setting up paths, etc.). This complexity is one of the reasons why it’s often better to extend the import statement directly rather than defining a custom function.
Extending the import statement is straightforward, but involves a number of moving parts. At the highest level, import operations are processed by a list of “meta-path” finders that you can find in the list sys.meta_path. If you output its value, you’ll see the following:
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(sys.meta_path)
[<class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>,
<class '_frozen_importlib.FrozenImporter'>,
<class '_frozen_importlib.PathFinder'>]
When executing a statement such as import fib, the interpreter walks through the finder objects on sys.meta_path and invokes their find_module() method in order to locate an appropriate module loader. It helps to see this by experimentation, so define the following class and try the following:
>>> class Finder:
... def find_module(self, fullname, path):
... print('Looking for', fullname, path)
... return None
>>> import sys
>>> sys.meta_path.insert(0, Finder()) # Insert as first entry
>>> import math
Looking for math None
>>> import types
Looking for types None
>>> import threading
Looking for threading None
Looking for time None
Looking for traceback None
Looking for linecache None
Looking for tokenize None
Looking for token None
Notice how the find_module() method is being triggered on every import. The role of the path argument in this method is to handle packages. When packages are imported, it is a list of the directories that are found in the package’s path attribute. These are the paths that need to be checked to find package subcomponents. For example, notice the path setting for xml.etree and xml.etree.ElementTree:
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree
Looking for xml None
Looking for xml.etree ['/usr/local/lib/python3.3/xml']
Looking for xml.etree.ElementTree ['/usr/local/lib/python3.3/xml/etree']
Looking for warnings None
Looking for contextlib None
Looking for xml.etree.ElementPath ['/usr/local/lib/python3.3/xml/etree']
Looking for _elementtree None
Looking for copy None
Looking for org None
Looking for pyexpat None
Looking for ElementC14N None
The placement of the finder on sys.meta_path is critical. Remove it from the front of the list to the end of the list and try more imports:
>>> del sys.meta_path[0]
>>> sys.meta_path.append(Finder())
>>> import urllib.request
>>> import datetime
Now you don’t see any output because the imports are being handled by other entries in sys.meta_path. In this case, you would only see it trigger when nonexistent modules are imported:
>>> import fib
Looking for fib None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'fib'
>>> import xml.superfast
Looking for xml.superfast ['/usr/local/lib/python3.3/xml']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'xml.superfast'
The fact that you can install a finder to catch unknown modules is the key to the UrlMetaFinder class in this recipe. An instance of UrlMetaFinder is added to the end of sys.meta_path, where it serves as a kind of importer of last resort. If the requested module name can’t be located by any of the other import mechanisms, it gets handled by this finder. Some care needs to be taken when handling packages. Specifically, the value presented in the path argument needs to be checked to see if it starts with the URL registered in the finder. If not, the submodule must belong to some other finder and should be ignored.
Additional handling of packages is found in the UrlPackageLoader class. This class, rather than importing the package name, tries to load the underlying file. It also sets the module path attribute. This last part is critical, as the value set will be passed to subsequent find_module() calls when loading package submodules. The path-based import hook is an extension of these ideas, but based on a somewhat different mechanism. As you know, sys.path is a list of directories where Python looks for modules. For example:
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> import sys
>>> pprint(sys.path)
Each entry in sys.path is additionally attached to a finder object. You can view these finders by looking at sys.path_importer_cache:
>>> pprint(sys.path_importer_cache)
{'.': FileFinder('.'),
'/usr/local/lib/python3.3': FileFinder('/usr/local/lib/python3.3'),
'/usr/local/lib/python3.3/': FileFinder('/usr/local/lib/python3.3/'),
'/usr/local/lib/python3.3/collections': FileFinder('...python3.3/collections'),
'/usr/local/lib/python3.3/encodings': FileFinder('...python3.3/encodings'),
'/usr/local/lib/python3.3/lib-dynload': FileFinder('...python3.3/lib-dynload'),
'/usr/local/lib/python3.3/plat-darwin': FileFinder('...python3.3/plat-darwin'),
'/usr/local/lib/python3.3/site-packages': FileFinder('...python3.3/site-packages'),
'/usr/local/lib/': None}
sys.path_importer_cache tends to be much larger than sys.path because it records finders for all known directories where code is being loaded. This includes subdirectories of packages which usually aren’t included on sys.path.
To execute import fib, the directories on sys.path are checked in order. For each directory, the name fib is presented to the associated finder found in sys.path_im porter_cache. This is also something that you can investigate by making your own finder and putting an entry in the cache. Try this experiment:
>>> class Finder:
... def find_loader(self, name):
... print('Looking for', name)
... return (None, [])
>>> import sys
>>> # Add a "debug" entry to the importer cache
>>> sys.path_importer_cache['debug'] = Finder()
>>> # Add a "debug" directory to sys.path
>>> sys.path.insert(0, 'debug')
>>> import threading
Looking for threading
Looking for time
Looking for traceback
Looking for linecache
Looking for tokenize
Looking for token
Here, you’ve installed a new cache entry for the name debug and installed the name debug as the first entry on sys.path. On all subsequent imports, you see your finder being triggered. However, since it returns (None, []), processing simply continues to the next entry.
The population of sys.path_importer_cache is controlled by a list of functions stored in sys.path_hooks. Try this experiment, which clears the cache and adds a new path checking function to sys.path_hooks:
>>> sys.path_importer_cache.clear()
>>> def check_path(path):
... print('Checking', path)
... raise ImportError()
>>> sys.path_hooks.insert(0, check_path)
>>> import fib
Checked debug
Checking .
Checking /usr/local/lib/
Checking /usr/local/lib/python3.3
Checking /usr/local/lib/python3.3/plat-darwin
Checking /usr/local/lib/python3.3/lib-dynload
Checking /Users/beazley/.local/lib/python3.3/site-packages
Checking /usr/local/lib/python3.3/site-packages
Looking for fib
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'fib'
As you can see, the check_path() function is being invoked for every entry on sys.path. However, since an ImportError exception is raised, nothing else happens (checking just moves to the next function on sys.path_hooks).
Using this knowledge of how sys.path is processed, you can install a custom path checking function that looks for filename patterns, such as URLs. For instance:
>>> def check_url(path):
... if path.startswith('http://'):
... return Finder()
... else:
... raise ImportError()
>>> sys.path.append('http://localhost:15000')
>>> sys.path_hooks[0] = check_url
>>> import fib
Looking for fib # Finder output!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'fib'
>>> # Notice installation of Finder in sys.path_importer_cache
>>> sys.path_importer_cache['http://localhost:15000']
<__main__.Finder object at 0x10064c850>
This is the key mechanism at work in the last part of this recipe. Essentially, a custom path checking function has been installed that looks for URLs in sys.path. When they are encountered, a new UrlPathFinder instance is created and installed into sys.path_importer_cache. From that point forward, all import statements that pass through that part of sys.path will try to use your custom finder.
Package handling with a path-based importer is somewhat tricky, and relates to the return value of the find_loader() method. For simple modules, find_loader() returns a tuple (loader, None) where loader is an instance of a loader that will import the module.
For a normal package, find_loader() returns a tuple (loader, path) where loader is the loader instance that will import the package (and execute and path is a list of the directories that will make up the initial setting of the package’s path attribute. For example, if the base URL washttp://localhost:15000?and a user executed import grok, the path returned by find_loader() would be [ ‘http://local?host:15000/grok’ ].
The find_loader() must additionally account for the possibility of a namespace package. A namespace package is a package where a valid package directory name exists, but no file can be found. For this case, find_loader() must return a tuple (None, path) where path is a list of directories that would have made up the package’s path attribute had it defined an file. For this case, the import mechanism moves on to check further directories on sys.path. If more namespace packages are found, all of the resulting paths are joined together to make a final namespace package. See Recipe 10.5 for more information on namespace packages.
There is a recursive element to package handling that is not immediately obvious in the solution, but also at work. All packages contain an internal path setting, which can be found in path attribute. For example:
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree
>>> xml.__path__
>>> xml.etree.__path__
As mentioned, the setting of path is controlled by the return value of the find_load er() method. However, the subsequent processing of path is also handled by the functions in sys.path_hooks. Thus, when package subcomponents are loaded, the entries in path are checked by the handle_url() function. This causes new instances of UrlPathFinder to be created and added to sys.path_importer_cache.
One remaining tricky part of the implementation concerns the behavior of the han dle_url() function and its interaction with the _get_links() function used internally. If your implementation of a finder involves the use of other modules (e.g., quest), there is a possibility that those modules will attempt to make further imports in the middle of the finder’s operation. This can actually cause handle_url() and other parts of the finder to get executed in a kind of recursive loop. To account for this possibility, the implementation maintains a cache of created finders (one per URL). This avoids the problem of creating duplicate finders. In addition, the following fragment of code ensures that the finder doesn’t respond to any import requests while it’s in the processs of getting the initial set of links:
# Check link cache
if self._links is None:
self._links = [] # See discussion
self._links = _get_links(self._baseurl)
You may not need this checking in other implementations, but for this example involving URLs, it was required.
Finally, the invalidate_caches() method of both finders is a utility method that is supposed to clear internal caches should the source code change. This method is triggered when a user invokes importlib.invalidate_caches(). You might use it if you want the URL importers to reread the list of links, possibly for the purpose of being able to access newly added files.
In comparing the two approaches (modifying sys.meta_path or using a path hook), it helps to take a high-level view. Importers installed using sys.meta_path are free to handle modules in any manner that they wish. For instance, they could load modules out of a database or import them in a manner that is radically different than normal module/package handling. This freedom also means that such importers need to do more bookkeeping and internal management. This explains, for instance, why the implementation of UrlMetaFinder needs to do its own caching of links, loaders, and other details. On the other hand, path-based hooks are more narrowly tied to the processing of sys.path. Because of the connection to sys.path, modules loaded with such extensions will tend to have the same features as normal modules and packages that programmers are used to.
Assuming that your head hasn’t completely exploded at this point, a key to understanding and experimenting with this recipe may be the added logging calls. You can enable logging and try experiments such as this:
>>> import logging
>>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
>>> import urlimport
>>> urlimport.install_path_hook()
DEBUG:urlimport:Installing handle_url
>>> import fib
DEBUG:urlimport:Handle path? /usr/local/lib/ [No]