<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatterns\More\Repository\Domain; class Post { public static function draft(PostId $id, string $title, string $text): Post { return new self( $id, PostStatus::fromString(PostStatus::STATE_DRAFT), $title, $text ); } public static function fromState(array $state): Post { return new self( PostId::fromInt($state['id']), PostStatus::fromInt($state['statusId']), $state['title'], $state['text'] ); } private function __construct( private PostId $id, private PostStatus $status, private string $title, private string $text ) { } public function getId(): PostId { return $this->id; } public function getStatus(): PostStatus { return $this->status; } public function getText(): string { return $this->text; } public function getTitle(): string { return $this->title; } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatterns\More\Repository\Domain; use InvalidArgumentException; /** * This is a perfect example of a value object that is identifiable by it's value alone and * is guaranteed to be valid each time an instance is created. Another important property of value objects * is immutability. * * Notice also the use of a named constructor (fromInt) which adds a little context when creating an instance. */ class PostId { public static function fromInt(int $id): PostId { self::ensureIsValid($id); return new self($id); } private function __construct(private int $id) { } public function toInt(): int { return $this->id; } private static function ensureIsValid(int $id) { if ($id <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid PostId given'); } } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatterns\More\Repository\Domain; use InvalidArgumentException; /** * Like PostId, this is a value object which holds the value of the current status of a Post. It can be constructed * either from a string or int and is able to validate itself. An instance can then be converted back to int or string. */ class PostStatus { public const STATE_DRAFT_ID = 1; public const STATE_PUBLISHED_ID = 2; public const STATE_DRAFT = 'draft'; public const STATE_PUBLISHED = 'published'; private static array $validStates = [ self::STATE_DRAFT_ID => self::STATE_DRAFT, self::STATE_PUBLISHED_ID => self::STATE_PUBLISHED, ]; public static function fromInt(int $statusId) { self::ensureIsValidId($statusId); return new self($statusId, self::$validStates[$statusId]); } public static function fromString(string $status) { self::ensureIsValidName($status); $state = array_search($status, self::$validStates); if ($state === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid state given!'); } return new self($state, $status); } private function __construct(private int $id, private string $name) { } public function toInt(): int { return $this->id; } /** * there is a reason that I avoid using __toString() as it operates outside of the stack in PHP * and is therefore not able to operate well with exceptions */ public function toString(): string { return $this->name; } private static function ensureIsValidId(int $status) { if (!in_array($status, array_keys(self::$validStates), true)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid status id given'); } } private static function ensureIsValidName(string $status) { if (!in_array($status, self::$validStates, true)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid status name given'); } } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatterns\More\Repository; use OutOfBoundsException; use DesignPatterns\More\Repository\Domain\Post; use DesignPatterns\More\Repository\Domain\PostId; /** * This class is situated between Entity layer (class Post) and access object layer (Persistence). * * Repository encapsulates the set of objects persisted in a data store and the operations performed over them * providing a more object-oriented view of the persistence layer * * Repository also supports the objective of achieving a clean separation and one-way dependency * between the domain and data mapping layers */ class PostRepository { public function __construct(private Persistence $persistence) { } public function generateId(): PostId { return PostId::fromInt($this->persistence->generateId()); } public function findById(PostId $id): Post { try { $arrayData = $this->persistence->retrieve($id->toInt()); } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) { throw new OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('Post with id %d does not exist', $id->toInt()), 0, $e); } return Post::fromState($arrayData); } public function save(Post $post) { $this->persistence->persist([ 'id' => $post->getId()->toInt(), 'statusId' => $post->getStatus()->toInt(), 'text' => $post->getText(), 'title' => $post->getTitle(), ]); } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatterns\More\Repository; interface Persistence { public function generateId(): int; public function persist(array $data); public function retrieve(int $id): array; public function delete(int $id); }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatterns\More\Repository; use OutOfBoundsException; class InMemoryPersistence implements Persistence { private array $data = []; private int $lastId = 0; public function generateId(): int { $this->lastId++; return $this->lastId; } public function persist(array $data) { $this->data[$this->lastId] = $data; } public function retrieve(int $id): array { if (!isset($this->data[$id])) { throw new OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('No data found for ID %d', $id)); } return $this->data[$id]; } public function delete(int $id) { if (!isset($this->data[$id])) { throw new OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('No data found for ID %d', $id)); } unset($this->data[$id]); } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatterns\More\Repository\Tests; use OutOfBoundsException; use DesignPatterns\More\Repository\Domain\PostId; use DesignPatterns\More\Repository\Domain\PostStatus; use DesignPatterns\More\Repository\InMemoryPersistence; use DesignPatterns\More\Repository\Domain\Post; use DesignPatterns\More\Repository\PostRepository; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class PostRepositoryTest extends TestCase { private PostRepository $repository; protected function setUp(): void { $this->repository = new PostRepository(new InMemoryPersistence()); } public function testCanGenerateId() { $this->assertEquals(1, $this->repository->generateId()->toInt()); } public function testThrowsExceptionWhenTryingToFindPostWhichDoesNotExist() { $this->expectException(OutOfBoundsException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Post with id 42 does not exist'); $this->repository->findById(PostId::fromInt(42)); } public function testCanPersistPostDraft() { $postId = $this->repository->generateId(); $post = Post::draft($postId, 'Repository Pattern', 'Design Patterns PHP'); $this->repository->save($post); $this->repository->findById($postId); $this->assertEquals($postId, $this->repository->findById($postId)->getId()); $this->assertEquals(PostStatus::STATE_DRAFT, $post->getStatus()->toString()); } }