```javascript // 舉例 var firstName = "Alan"; var lastName = "Turing"; // Only change code below this line var myFirstName = "Alan"; var myLastName = "Turing"; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-sw8r24a2.html```javascript var myStr="I am a \"double quoted\" string inside \"double quotes\""; // Change this line ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-67wk24a3.html```javascript var myStr = '<a target="_blank">Link</a>'; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-iqj224a4.html```javascript var myStr="\\ \t \b \r \n"; // Change this line ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-m2x124a5.html```javascript // 舉例 var ourStr = "I come first. " + "I come second."; // Only change code below this line var myStr="This is the start. "+"This is the end."; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-412m24a6.html```javascript // 舉例 var ourStr = "I come first. "; ourStr += "I come second."; // Only change code below this line var myStr="This is the first sentence. "; myStr+="This is the second sentence."; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-dxbm24a7.html```javascript // 舉例 var ourName = "Free Code Camp"; var ourStr = "Hello, our name is " + ourName + ", how are you?"; // Only change code below this line var myName="John"; var myStr="My name is "+myName+" and I am swell!"; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-cbjq24a8.html```javascript // 舉例 var anAdjective = "awesome!"; var ourStr = "Free Code Camp is "; ourStr += anAdjective; // Only change code below this line var someAdjective="go go go"; var myStr = "Learning to code is "; myStr+=someAdjective; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-w7gj24a9.html```javascript // 舉例 var firstNameLength = 0; var firstName = "Ada"; firstNameLength = firstName.length; // Setup var lastNameLength = 0; var lastName = "Lovelace"; // Only change code below this line. lastNameLength = lastName.length; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-c1mo24aa.html```javascript // 舉例 var firstLetterOfFirstName = ""; var firstName = "Ada"; firstLetterOfFirstName = firstName[0]; // Setup var firstLetterOfLastName = ""; var lastName = "Lovelace"; // Only change code below this line firstLetterOfLastName = lastName[0]; ```
w3cschool 建議您:
w3cschool 建議您:
w3cschool 建議您:
```javascript // 舉例 var firstName = "Alan"; var lastName = "Turing"; // Only change code below this line var myFirstName = "Alan"; var myLastName = "Turing"; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-sw8r24a2.html```javascript var myStr="I am a \"double quoted\" string inside \"double quotes\""; // Change this line ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-67wk24a3.html```javascript var myStr = '<a target="_blank">Link</a>'; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-iqj224a4.html```javascript var myStr="\\ \t \b \r \n"; // Change this line ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-m2x124a5.html```javascript // 舉例 var ourStr = "I come first. " + "I come second."; // Only change code below this line var myStr="This is the start. "+"This is the end."; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-412m24a6.html```javascript // 舉例 var ourStr = "I come first. "; ourStr += "I come second."; // Only change code below this line var myStr="This is the first sentence. "; myStr+="This is the second sentence."; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-dxbm24a7.html```javascript // 舉例 var ourName = "Free Code Camp"; var ourStr = "Hello, our name is " + ourName + ", how are you?"; // Only change code below this line var myName="John"; var myStr="My name is "+myName+" and I am swell!"; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-cbjq24a8.html```javascript // 舉例 var anAdjective = "awesome!"; var ourStr = "Free Code Camp is "; ourStr += anAdjective; // Only change code below this line var someAdjective="go go go"; var myStr = "Learning to code is "; myStr+=someAdjective; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-w7gj24a9.html```javascript // 舉例 var firstNameLength = 0; var firstName = "Ada"; firstNameLength = firstName.length; // Setup var lastNameLength = 0; var lastName = "Lovelace"; // Only change code below this line. lastNameLength = lastName.length; ```
http://www.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-c1mo24aa.html```javascript // 舉例 var firstLetterOfFirstName = ""; var firstName = "Ada"; firstLetterOfFirstName = firstName[0]; // Setup var firstLetterOfLastName = ""; var lastName = "Lovelace"; // Only change code below this line firstLetterOfLastName = lastName[0]; ```
w3cschool 建議您: